Advanced Care Physical Therapy

Arm Case Study Physical Therapy Strength

How Brandon F. Regained Movement in his Arm at ACPT

Fractured humerus, severe nerve damage, unable move or squeeze: Brandon F. arrived at Advanced Care Physical Therapy with a severely injured left arm. “Basically my whole arm was dead,” he said. At first, Brandon could not even move his arm at a 90 degree angle. Though as he progressed in his treatment, between electrical stimulation, manual therapy, strengthening exercises, and other physical therapy techniques, Brandon’s arm healed, and he regained his strength and range of motion. “Advanced Care Physical Therapy is like a family,” he said.  “I come even when I am not a patient to see everyone. The atmosphere and the energy is great.” At Advanced Care Physical Therapy we take pride in our patient-centered approach to treatment, personally investing in the wellbeing of each patient, from their initial evaluation, to their discharge, and beyond. Click here to learn more about how you can treat arm injuries at ACPT! Read other patients’ success stories recovering from injured arms at ACPT.

Arm Case Study Physical Therapy

How Deborah S. Rehabbed her 40-year-old Arm Injury at ACPT

Do you still experience routine pain from an old injury? Has your pain reached a point where it impedes your daily functioning? If you think it is too late for your body to heal, think again. Read on to learn how Advanced Care Physical Therapy patient, Deborah S., rehabbed a 40-year-old arm injury and regained her mobility, pain free, after years of disuse. I shattered my elbow in a roller-skating accident about 40-years-ago, and over time, I reached a point where I lost feeling in my last two fingers and had severe nerve damage in my arm. I had been to Advanced Care Physical Therapy after I underwent a knee replacement and now returned again after getting surgery on my elbow. Joe Federline, PT, MPT, my physical therapist at ACPT, eliminated the pain in my elbow and helped me regain my mobility. I liked Joe because he was holistic in his treatments. He would give me different pointers that I did on my own, and that I continue even now. After only a month in physical therapy, I returned to work!  For years and years, I could never use my injured arm to even talk on the phone, and now I use that arm to talk on the phone without even thinking because I am pain free! My experience at ACPT was great, everyone was so friendly and went out of their way to welcome me and take care of my needs. If you are also dealing with an old, nagging injury, why wait? Book your appointment today and see how physical therapy at Advanced Care Physical Therapy can restore your quality of life like it did for Deborah S.!